Thursday, April 19, 2007

My Upcoming 6 Week "Vacation"

I will be "packing" for my upcoming "vacation" this weekend. How exciting! I will be traveling via First Class to the "HYATT" Of Presbeterian for a 7:30am surgical departure! I may sleep in the car the night before and way over. If they can get a gurney and wheel me inside I will barely even have to wake up for the day!

During my stay at this fine "5-star" establishment, I will be accomodated in a private room with all the ameneties that would be lavished upon a star of much greater fame and than even I. My doctor of 10+ years will be preforming the surgery and has informed me that she will also be sneeking in some liposuction as needed (Ya, in my dreams!). By the way, why can't they DO THAT????? Just doesn't make any sense at all! Just not right!

I will be in control of my pain after surgery, however...It has been told to me that the "Button" will only work once every 10 consistent rapid pushing is not necessary, nor will it produce any noticable effects....ugh. I fear that am NOT as pain tolerant as the girls were during their surgeries.

During my 3-4 day stay, I will be doted on with room service and "attendants" will be at my beck and call 24/7. (no tipping THAT!) Think about it......I need not even get out of bed if I choose not to. (No, not even to pee) Yes, this will be a vacation to talk about for years to come! I will be allowed to sleep all day and just basically lay around!

Sigh...........DON'T BE JEALOUS!!

I should return home Wednesday afternoon or Thursday Morning. I will keep you all posted. Do YOU have to go to work for the next 6 weeks??? I DON'T (nananana.....sticking out tongue!)

(Call Chris if you want to get information on how to contact me while I am in the hospital. I appreciate all your thoughts and prayers! )


Marilyn said...

If only your accomodations were that wonderful! However, I read in the newspaper that a local hospital had hired a "well known" chef to change the image of hospital food!
Hope you have a speedy recovery!


Marilyn said...

If only your accommodations were that nice! I did read in our local paper last week that a local hospital had hired a chef and they were planning on really upscaling their meals - more fresh, less canned!
Wishing you a fast recovery!
