Saturday, May 5, 2007

ACK!! What day is it today??

You know...It's not that I have not thouroughly enjoyed my time off of work, but there are a few disadvantages, besides a sickly paycheck, of being at home everyday! They are outweighed by the wonderful Advantages, is a quick list of both....
*Build intimate and meaningful relationships with your children.-Big Advantage
*Lack of Adult Social Contact--Disadvantage--if you are over 30...CALL ME!
*Nurture your many [fill in the blank here ] talents so they thrive and grow. [crafting, reading, video watching] Advantage!
*Share with your children the common, everyday joys of life. --Advantage!
*Ability to keep up with what day of the week it is (I thought it was Saturday all day yesterday!) Disadvantage but only if it really if you miss one of your favorite tv shows!

Maybe I will see if I feel good enough to go in on Fridays for the next few weeks!!