Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Hi you guys! Do you miss me??? You KNOW I miss you all! I have enjoyed the calls and emails from you. Makes me feel loved! Being home is not as much fun as I had anticipated!
Know something weird??? The Vet says my dog will have to have surgery soon!(NA-NA NA-NA, NA-NA-NA-NA that was Twilight Zone Music!) Can you believe that???? Ear Canal problems. Just too weird.....No one gets sick for like Ever and then Bada Bing!.....Too bad Molly is not on our Health Insurance! Hmmm....maybe I'll work on THAT....I've got a lot of time to be creative here! Blue Cross might not notice claims for Molly coming through amidst the stack of ours.....hmmmm

OK, you guys.....get back to work! Stop standing around playing on the internet.....And DON'T let things pile up too high on my desk......TERRY.....KYLA!!! YOU know who YOU ARE!
I love you all and will be back before you know it! (Whether you like it or not!! mawhahaha.....evil sinister laugh!)